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How To Visit Barcelona On A Budget

Barcelona finds its way onto most itineraries… and for good reason. It has a vibrant food
scene, a plethora of unique historic architecture, great Mediterranean weather, beautiful
beaches, and arguably the best nightlife in Europe. This Barcelona on a budget travel guide
will help you plan your trip and hopefully give you some tips for getting the most out of your
time in the city.

Barcelona isn’t a cheap city but it isn’t too expensive either — especially when compared to
Europe’s other most-visited cities.

We recommend budgeting €45-€85/day if you’re on a backpacker’s budget — you can easily
spend more if you want to stay somewhere nicer than a hostel but this is a good range for
planning purposes.

Check out our Barcelona Daily Price Guide to get a more in-depth look at daily travel costs.

Daily Cost Of Budget Travel In Barcelona: €75 ($87 USD)

Attractions: €22 (one paid attraction + any free sights) Food: €27.50 Transportation: €2.2
Accommodation (hostel): €25 DAILY COST OF FRUGAL TRAVEL IN BARCELONA: €45 ($52
USD) Attractions: €8 (free walking tour + visit one of the free sights) Food: €15.50
Transportation: €0 (explore by foot) Accommodation (cheap hostel bed): €20

How Long To Visit Barcelona

Barcelona is one of those cities where you can easily spend more than a week exploring but
it’s recommended to spend at least 4 or 5 days in the city. If you plan on partaking in the
city’s famous nightlife, you may want to add a few days to your visit so have adequate time
to recover while also having time to explore the city.

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